Personalized Shopping Service


Did you know we offer a FREE personal shopping service? 

Peek A Boo store owner explaining the personalized shopping service

Personal Shopping Service

Book your free appointment with Dana, owner of Peek-a-Boo Store and mother of 3, and pick her brains for any questions you may have.

Products, practicalities, whatever questions you have, you can be sure you'll get an honest answer!

Often its a "don't get this yet, wait until baby is here and you feel you need it", or "have you considered this rather than that, for this reason"...

There's no pressure to buy at all, we're just happy when parents and parents-to-be going away a little more knowledgeable than when they came in so they can make informed decisions for themselves 🙏🏻😁

Fill the form below to book or call us on +962 6 592 8822.

Looking for a comprehensive checklist to help you with your baby preparations? Check out our Baby Checklist for a quick reference to all the essentials. We're here to make the transition to parenthood as stress-free and enjoyable as possible!